I want to share all the information about pet dogs for my lovely dogs.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

About Yorkshire terrier :: Small Dog Breeds

Do you intent to adopt a Yorkshire terrier?

Yorkshire terrier is a popular kind of small dog breeds.
Yorkshire terrier is a very cheerful and curious dog.
This small and cute dog is full of mischief and very positive.
So If you want to be consoled by your pet dog, adopting a Yorkshire terrier is the best way.
Yorkshire terrier is affectionate to its owner but barks to a stranger due to protective instinct about its territory.
The attitude and behavior of Yorkshire terrier is affected by the behavior and feelings of its owner.
Yorkshire terrier can be active if its owner is active and can be calm if its owner is calm.
So Yorkshire terrier can be an anger or a devil according to your character.

Character of Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier can be stubborn or can have propensity to long for affection of its owner constantly.
Yorkshire terrier is very small and full of charms but has strong willpower, passion and independence.
Yorkshire terrier is so active that it can have bad habit if you don't train it properly.
So, if you adopt Yorkshire terrier, you need to train it from the time when it is puppy.
Yorkshire terrier which didn't get used to a noise or stranger can be offensive.

Yorkshire terrier can be trained easily because it likes its owner and is a smart dog which can focus on its owner.
But If there is a child in your family, you need to take notice.
Yorkshire terrier can bite or scratch a child because it hates rough touch.

Fur of Yorkshire terrier is similar with a human's hair.
So anyone who has dog fur allergy can keep Yorkshire terrier.

Health of Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier has sensitive bronchial tubes and weak bones so it is vulnerable to fracture and shows *reverse sneezing.
So when you walking with Yorkshire terrier, you'd better use a harness.
Yorkshire terrier is also vulnerable to cavity or gum disease.
You don't have to pull or lift Yorkshire terrier strongly because it has weak bones.

*reverse sneezing: Reverse sneezing (also called backwards sneezing or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration) is a phenomenon observed in dogs, particularly in those with brachycephalic skulls. ... During a reverse sneeze, the dog will make rapid and long inhalations, stand still, and extend its head and neck. A loud snorting sound is produced.

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