I want to share all the information about pet dogs for my lovely dogs.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tip :: Dog Expression

8 common expressions of dogs

Every dog owner may curious what your dog's expressions mean.
So I'm posting about some expressions of dogs.

1. lying down showing its belly

That means your dog feels comfortable and good.
If your dog lies down with showing its belly, it let you know that it can't resist you.
In other words, it has no intention of attacking you and want to play with you.

2. looking at your eyes

That is expression of alert or favor.
To unfamiliar ones, that means alert.
But To familiar ones, that means favor.

3. yawning in urgent situation

Dogs yawn when they feel anxiety or stress.
They yawn for the purpose of both calming themselves when they get stressed and calming the other who is got upset.
You may see that your dog yawn when you blame it.
Your dog may have said you to calm down at that time.

4. licking your face

That originated from puppies' licking their mommy dog to ask milk.
If your dog licks your face(around your mouth), it may be hungry.

5. erecting its tail

Dogs erect their tail when they have confidence.
If your dog erects its tail when it meets unfamiliar one, that means your dog has no fear.

6. nodding the head slantwise

That means your dog is concentrating to understand your words or order.

7. shaking itself

Dogs shake itself to release its stress.

8. licking its nose

That is same with shaking itself.

If we try to understand our dog's expression, we can be better owner.

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