I want to share all the information about pet dogs for my lovely dogs.

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Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Tip :: Dog Expression

March 14, 2018 0

8 common expressions of dogs

Every dog owner may curious what your dog's expressions mean.
So I'm posting about some expressions of dogs.

1. lying down showing its belly

That means your dog feels comfortable and good.
If your dog lies down with showing its belly, it let you know that it can't resist you.
In other words, it has no intention of attacking you and want to play with you.

2. looking at your eyes

That is expression of alert or favor.
To unfamiliar ones, that means alert.
But To familiar ones, that means favor.

3. yawning in urgent situation

Dogs yawn when they feel anxiety or stress.
They yawn for the purpose of both calming themselves when they get stressed and calming the other who is got upset.
You may see that your dog yawn when you blame it.
Your dog may have said you to calm down at that time.

4. licking your face

That originated from puppies' licking their mommy dog to ask milk.
If your dog licks your face(around your mouth), it may be hungry.

5. erecting its tail

Dogs erect their tail when they have confidence.
If your dog erects its tail when it meets unfamiliar one, that means your dog has no fear.

6. nodding the head slantwise

That means your dog is concentrating to understand your words or order.

7. shaking itself

Dogs shake itself to release its stress.

8. licking its nose

That is same with shaking itself.

If we try to understand our dog's expression, we can be better owner.

Tip :: How to Release Your Dog's Stress

March 14, 2018 0

The Solution of dogs' stress

If you didn't read my posting about the signs of dogs' stress, please read that before you read this posting.

Tip :: The Signs That Your Dog Gets Stressed

There some simple ways to release your dog's stress.

1. walking and exercise

Walking and exercise with your dog can be a solution of stress.
It is good to walk to a place where your dog usually likes to visit Or to explore a new place.
Light exercise with your dog is good either.
It is helpful to play tugging as you walking with your dog.
If you consider your dog's health, it is good to combine walking and sitting.
For example, walking with your dog, you sit down around it.
It's good to let your dog get around with a long dog read.
Letting your dog use its nose a lot is very nice.

2. Letting your dog use its brain

How about make your dog do something to be able to use its brain?
Teaching a new trick or Using a toy which makes your dog use its brain is fine.
I recommend you toys of Nina Ottoson brand.

Or you can make dog game puzzle.
You can see the ways of making that by google search.

Teaching a new trick is good because you and your dog can share each other's feeling.

3. nosework

The nosework is very important.
After you Giving your dog snacks hidden in any torn papers(like newspaper), your dog eats those by using their nose to find out those(the snacks).
That is one way of the nosework.
The dog which use its nose a lot gets stress lower than the others and has high confidence.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tip :: The Signs That Your Dog Gets Stressed

March 13, 2018 0

How to notice that my dog got stressed

Dogs can be stressed like humans because they can feel and share emotions
It is very natural but many people miss this fact.
They don't ignore it on purpose but just don't know the signs that their dog is stressed.

There are some signs that your dog is stressed.

1. Licking around muzzle or forleg

Look at your dog's face(especially around muzzle) and foreleg carefully.
Are those dyed red?
If you live with white dog, you can notice that easier.

Dogs licks their foreleg or around muzzle when they feel anxiety or get stressed.
Stressed dog's spit is dyed red because it oxidizes.
So you can know that your dog is stressed from looking its color of fur.

2. Dark circle

Look at the bottom of your dog's eyes.
If that part has a dark complexion, it can be sign of your dog's stress.

3. Urine mistake

Sometimes your dog may urine anywhere not on the pad even it is trained to urine on the pad.

Dogs express their stress by urine when they face an unfamiliar situation.

If your dog made mistake, never blame it.

Please just comfort your dog if you notice that your dog get stressed.

Know-how :: Training the dog separation anxiety

March 13, 2018 0

How to make my dog overcome the dog separation anxiety

Does your dog bark when you come back home?
Or even make trouble? (like pee anywhere, bite anything...etc)

It may be sign of the dog separation anxiety.

If your dog has this trouble, how about trying the tips of this posting?

1. Let your dog know that you are sure to come back.

First, go out and wait for 1~2 minutes.
Then come back home and wait for your dog to calm down.
And then go out again and wait 1~2 minute.

Repeat that a few times a day for a week.

If your dog is quiet when you are waiting outside, increase the waiting time up to 5 minutes.

Before going out, it is good to give your dog a snack which it likes the most.

Don't say hello or goodbye excessively when you come back or going out.

Please wait still until your dog's calming down.
After your dog's calming down, call your dog's name smoothly and stroke it.

It is very important to let your dog know that you are sure to come back.

2. Walk with your dog at least once a day.

Walking with your dog is very important to your dog.
That is very good way of stress solution.

The stress of your from waiting you at home alone will be removed by walking with you.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Top 50 Smartest Dog Breeds

March 12, 2018 4

Which dog breeds are the smartest in the world?

The main criterion of this posting is how soon a dog can understand a owner's order and react.
This posting is not about "which dog breeds are good?" but just for interest.

Top 1 ~ 10 : 

possible to obey a repeated order under 5 times

1. Bordercollie
2. Poodle
3. German Shepherd
4. Golden Retriever
5. Dobermann Pinscher
6. Shetland Sheepdog
7. Labrador Retriever
8. Papillon
9. Rottweiler
10. Australian CattleDog

Top 11 ~ 30 : 

possible to obey a repeated order over 5 times and under 15 times

11. WelshCorgi Pembroke
12. Miniature Schnauzer
13. English Springer Spaniel
14. Belgian Tervuren
15. Belgian Sheepdog
16. Schipperke
17. Collie
18. Keeshond
19. German Shorthaired Pointer
20. English Cocker Spaniel
21. Flat-Coated Retriever
22. Standard Schnauzer
23. Brittany
24. Cocker Spaniel
25. Weimaraner
26. Belgian Malinois
27. Bernese MountainDog
28. Pomeranian
29. Irish Water Spaniel
30. Vizsla

31 ~ 50 : 

possible to obey a repeated order over 15 times and under 25 times

31. Cardigan WelshCorgi
32. ChesapeakeBay Retriever
33. Puli
34. Yorkshire Terrier
35. Giant Schnauzer
36. Airedale Terrier
37. Bouvier Des Flandres
38. Border Terrier
39. Briard
40. Welsh Springer Spaniel
41. Manchester Terrier
42. Samoyed
43. American Staffordshire Terrier
44. Australian Terrier
45. Bearded Collie
46. Field Spaniel
47. Gordon Setter
48. Newfoundland
49. Cairn Terrier
50. Irish Setter

Don't be disappointed for the reason that there isn't your dog on the list.
Those dog breeds on the list are just the dogs registered in American Kennel Club.
So some dog breeds may be able to be left out on the list.

My pet dogs, a Japanese Spitz and a Pompitz, are also not on the list.

But I love them so much.