I want to share all the information about pet dogs for my lovely dogs.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

How to Prevent Luxating Patella(Kneecap Dislocation) in Dogs

March 25, 2018 0

Patella or kneecap is one of the knee joints.
It covers knee in back legs of dogs and protects the knee joint.
Luxating patella means the status the patella is dislocated on its position.

Luxating patella is appeared to small dog breeds more than large dog breeds.
The kinds of small dog breeds are Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, etc.
Japanese Spitz is a medium-sized dog breed but it can get Luxating patella, too.

Signs of Luxating patella

A dog hesitates to go to a high place or to jump from a high place to a low place.

A dog hobbles when it walks or runs.

A dog whimpers when it stands up.

The back legs of a dog is bent like "O".

Preventation of Luxating patella

1. Don't let your dog lives on the slippery floor

It can be hard on the joint of dogs to walking or running on the slippery floor.
If the floor of your house is slippery, you need to spread the non-slip pad on the floor where your dog usually passes.

2. Don't let your dog stand or jump on two legs

Standing or jumping on two legs is also hard on the joint of dogs.
Additionally, don't let dogs go up to a high place or jump from a high place to low.

3. Prevent obesity of dogs

The obesity is also hard on the joints of dogs.
If your dog is overweight, you need to make your dog diet for its weight-loss.

Luxating patella

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Pompitz :: Cross Breed Dogs (Japanese Spitz + Pomeranian)

March 22, 2018 4

Do you know Pompitz?

Have you heard the word "Pompitz"?
Pompitz is a compound word of Pomeranian and Spitz.
The lovely baby in the picture above is a Pompitz.
And I've been lived with her for about 3 years.
At first, I adopted a Japanese Spitz whose name is Mandu.
I felt so sorry to him because I had to leave him alone at home every time when I go to work.
Normally, Japanese Spitz breeds feels lonely so much.
So I decided to adopt another dog for my boy not to feel lonely when he was 6 months old.

How could I adopt a Pompitz?

Actually, I wanted to adopt another female Japanese Spitz.
And I wanted my boy to pair up with the female Japanese Spitz.
I also looked forward to get a babies of my boy and girl.

So I went to a shop to find my boy's future wife.

Unfortunately, the clerk of the shop said that there is no female Japanese Spitz today.
Yes, there are many dog breeds in the shop include male Japanese Spitz but no female ones.

At the moment when I left the store, I saw a puppy who came out with another clerk after having bath.

So I asked the clerk what breeds the puppy is.
The clerk said that "This is a Japanese Spitz" and the puppy was female!

I adopted the puppy immediately.

And the name of the puppy is Kkomi.

The clerk in the shop and I knew that she is a Japanese Spitz breed altogether.

After 6 months from the time Kkomi came to me, however, I noticed that she is not a Japanese Spitz breed.

She looks like a Pomeranian breed more than a Japanese Spitz.
But she is little bigger than the other Pomeranians.
And her muzzle is little longer than a Pomeranians.
Her tail is same with a Japanese Spitz's.

I searched and I noticed that she is a Pompitz.

Life with Kkomi a Pompitz

Her size is half of Mandu a Japanese Spitz breed.
Although she is about 3 years old, she is still tiny and cute.
Of course, she is little bigger than any other small breed dogs but I feel that she is so tiny and cute after see my boy.

The little girl is always cheerful and full of smile.
And she is greedy girl.
She tries to steal my Mandu's snack whenever she gets the chance.

She is so energetic that she runs very fast whenever I came back home to show me her delight.

However, every Pompitz isn't same with my girl.

Pompitz breeds have various looks.

Some of those look like Japanese Spitz breeds but the size of those is much smaller.
Another Pompitz look like Pomeranian breeds like my girl.

Pompitz has normally stronger bones than Pomeranian's.
That may be different by individuals.

Anyway, Pompitz is energetic, lovely, cute and full of charming dog breed.

How about adopt Pompitz breeds?
It will be the best choice to the people who want to adopt a small, white, cheerful and full of charming dog breed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Epiphora in dogs :: Making brown spot on dog eyes

March 21, 2018 0

Is there brown spot on your dog's eyes?


Epiphora in dogs is that dogs shed tears more than any other dogs and the tears make brown spot on around dog's eyes.
If the owner of the dog which has Epiphora leaves it without any treatment, the dog may get any eye trouble like conjunctivitis, uveitis and inflammation of the cornea because around its eye gets dirty.

symptom and reason of Epiphora

symptom of Epiphora :

Wet surroundings of dog's eyes due to shedding tears can get dirty easily, and that may generate infection around dog's eyelids.
Usually, Epiphora in dogs appears on small breeds like poodle.
The porphyrin in tears changes the color of fur into brown when it is exposed to sun-light.
So shedding tears changes the color of surroundings of dogs' eyes.
So the owner who keeps bright color of dog breed can notice that easily.

The other sign of Epiphora is eczema on surroundings of the dog's eyes.
The dog scratches or rubs around its eyes due to itching or pain from the eczema and that makes the symptom get worse.

reason of Epiphora :

The reason of Epiphora is usually by protein of tears or stimulus on eyes from being pierced by fur around dog's eyes, lashes or eyelids.
Also Epiphora can appear by another eye disease.
Rarely, it may be able to appear by blocking a tear duct from a nose disease like rhinitis.

remedy and prevention of Epiphora

remedy of Epiphora :

Epiphora in dogs can be improved easily by finding the reason of it with accurate checkup.
Of course, the ways of remedy will be different by the symptoms.
First of all, If you find the symptom of Epiphora in your dog, wipe tears on your dog's eyes and pay attention to cleanliness of your dog's eyelids.

If you see the sleep on your dog's eyes consistently, take your dog to a vet and be prescribed eye lotion.

prevention of Epiphora :

You can reduce the risk of Epiphora by managing fur around your dog's eyes at a proper time.
It can be helpful to look at your dog's eyes frequently and get rid of fur or dust on your dog's eyes immediately.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Japanese Spitz :: Medium-sized dogs

March 20, 2018 2

Do you intent to adopt a Japanese Spitz?

Japanese Spitz which has shiny white fur is a charming dog.
Actually, I live with this kind of dog breeds of which name is "Mandu".
He always smiles at me and gives me his love.
Japanese Spitz is very cheerful and playful.

Character of Japanese Spitz

As I say at first, Japanese Spitz is very cheerful and energetic.
So it needs to walk with its owner at least 1 hours a day so that it throws its energy.
Playing or running outside is very important to a Japanese Spitz.
Due to its full of energy, If its owner leaves Japanese Spitz alone at home, it feels so lonely and can make trouble.

On the other hands, Japanese Spitz is very kind so it can hang out with a child or baby.
In other words, If you have a child or baby in your family, it is the best adopting a Japanese Spitz.

Japanese Spitz has a habit of protecting its family so it can be a nice guard dog.
It may bark loudly at a stranger.
When you meet a Japanese Spitz for the first time, you have to approach it slowly and softly.

Having a sensitive hearing, Japanese Spitz can bark when it hears any noise.

Japanese Spitz has long and white fur.
The fur of Japanese Spitz can be fall out easily and a lot so the owner has to groom it at least once a day.

Japanese Spitz licks its fur because it hate to get dirty.


Japanese Spitz can get Luxating patella easily like a Pomeranian.
But it has no any genetic dispositions.
So Japanese Spitz is one of healthy dog-breeds.

Monday, March 19, 2018

About Pomeranian :: Small Dog Breeds

March 19, 2018 1

Do you intend to adopt a Pomeranian?

Pomeranian is so cute small dog which has rich white or gold fur.
It is also very cheerful and attractive.
Its fur looks like cotton candy and feels really soft.
There are many kinds of Pomeranian which has various fur color.
The white Pomeranian is the most popular among them.

Charactor of Pomeranian

Pomeranian has a sharp temper but is timid.
Nevertheless Pomeranian is aggressive to the other dogs even bigger than itself.
Having a sharp and sensitive temper, Pomeranian doesn't have good relationship with the other dogs and any strangers.
Pomeranian barks like big dog breeds when stranger come to its territory.
Hating being touched by a stranger, Pomeranian may bite him if he tries to touch it.

On the other hands, Pomeranian is full of charms.
When Pomeranian gets bored, it goes around and requires its owner to play with itself.
Pomeranian doesn't feel lonely easily so it can remain home alone.

Pomeranian is also very smart so the owner can train it easily.

Pomeranian has strong sense of belonging about the first owner's family so you need to adopt it when it was puppy.


The fur of Pomeranian is very light and weak so there will be fur anywhere in your house especially its molting season.
If you shave off its fur too short, the fur of Pomeranian may not growth anymore.
So I recommend that you never shave off its fur but groom it once or twice a day.

Pomeranian has weak joint so it can get Luxating patella easily.
So you don't have to make it walk two legs.
And it has weak bones and teeth.
If teeth of your Pomeranian get weaken, you need to feed it moist dog food.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

About Yorkshire terrier :: Small Dog Breeds

March 18, 2018 0

Do you intent to adopt a Yorkshire terrier?

Yorkshire terrier is a popular kind of small dog breeds.
Yorkshire terrier is a very cheerful and curious dog.
This small and cute dog is full of mischief and very positive.
So If you want to be consoled by your pet dog, adopting a Yorkshire terrier is the best way.
Yorkshire terrier is affectionate to its owner but barks to a stranger due to protective instinct about its territory.
The attitude and behavior of Yorkshire terrier is affected by the behavior and feelings of its owner.
Yorkshire terrier can be active if its owner is active and can be calm if its owner is calm.
So Yorkshire terrier can be an anger or a devil according to your character.

Character of Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier can be stubborn or can have propensity to long for affection of its owner constantly.
Yorkshire terrier is very small and full of charms but has strong willpower, passion and independence.
Yorkshire terrier is so active that it can have bad habit if you don't train it properly.
So, if you adopt Yorkshire terrier, you need to train it from the time when it is puppy.
Yorkshire terrier which didn't get used to a noise or stranger can be offensive.

Yorkshire terrier can be trained easily because it likes its owner and is a smart dog which can focus on its owner.
But If there is a child in your family, you need to take notice.
Yorkshire terrier can bite or scratch a child because it hates rough touch.

Fur of Yorkshire terrier is similar with a human's hair.
So anyone who has dog fur allergy can keep Yorkshire terrier.

Health of Yorkshire terrier

Yorkshire terrier has sensitive bronchial tubes and weak bones so it is vulnerable to fracture and shows *reverse sneezing.
So when you walking with Yorkshire terrier, you'd better use a harness.
Yorkshire terrier is also vulnerable to cavity or gum disease.
You don't have to pull or lift Yorkshire terrier strongly because it has weak bones.

*reverse sneezing: Reverse sneezing (also called backwards sneezing or inspiratory paroxysmal respiration) is a phenomenon observed in dogs, particularly in those with brachycephalic skulls. ... During a reverse sneeze, the dog will make rapid and long inhalations, stand still, and extend its head and neck. A loud snorting sound is produced.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Good Food for Your Dog's Skin

March 15, 2018 0

8 kinds of food good for your dog

There are some kinds of food good for Dogs' Skin.
If your dog has problem with skin or you want your dog to have healthy skin, you'd better read this posting.

1. salmon, sardine

There is omega-3 fatty acids in those food.
Because dogs can't produce it themselves, you need to feed your dog it by food.
The omega-3 fatty acids is helpful to prevent infection and improve your dog's level of immunity.

2. coconut oil

That is good for skin problem like allergy and eczema and improve your dog's level of immunity.
It is good for your dog's skin and fur and heath generally.

3. oatmeal

That is good for moisturizing and itching.
It can keep your dog's weight healthy if you feed it for food and it can be good for skin suppression if you use it as bath preparation.

4. cherry

That has antioxidative effect.
And supplying nutrition to your dog's liver and kidney, it prevents skin trouble by toxin in his organ.
But you must get rid of its seed before you feed your dog.

5. chia seed

That has 7 times more vitamin C than orange and 8 times more omega-3 fatty acids than salmon.
In addition, it has 6 times more fiber than oatmeal.
So it helps your dog's digestion and is helpful to his skin trouble.

6. flaxseed oil

That has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids.
It can keep your dog's skin and fur healthy by preventing infection and allergy.
And it also effective for relieving joint pain.

7. egg

That has protein, unsaturated fatty acid, essential vitamin and minerals.
Unsaturated fatty acid can prevent cardiovascular disease and promote blood circulation and help antiaging of your dog's cell.

8. kelp

That is a kind of laminariaceous seaweed.
It has rich vitamin and mineral so it can make your dog's fur have shine.

Bad Ingredients in Dog Food

March 15, 2018 0

Ingredients to avoid when we choice dog food.

You may wonder what dog food is the best.
The best food is what your dog like to eat and what makes your dog healthy.
But we can't know what is the best because we are not a professional.

So we need to read the ingredients in dog food we will buy at least.

There are some ingredients to avoid.

1. CMIT (Chloromethylisothiazolinone)

  • BHA
  • BHT
  • ethoxyquin
  • Propylene Glycol

That is a cancer-causing agent and cause of illness of every kind.
BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin, Propylene Glycol are belongs to CMIT.

2. grains causing skin problem

  • Corn
  • wheat
  • soy or soy-bean

Corn, wheat, soy or soy-bean can cause your dog's skin problem or make it worse.

3. gluten meal

  • corn gluten meal
  • wheat  gluten meal
  • soy-bean  gluten meal

That is very low priced dregs of grains.

4. by-product of grain

  • corn bran
  • rice bran
  • rice flour
  • brewers rice
  • beet pulp
  • dried brewers yeast

5. low-grade fat

  • animal fat
  • poultty fat
Fat not to see where it is from is not good.

6. by-product of meat

  • poultry by-product meal
  • chicken by-product meal

Those are neck, beak, legs, intestine, etc.
Those are easy to rot and have no nutritional value.

7. meat not to see where it is from

  • meat meal
  • bone meal
  • blood meal
  • fish meal
  • animal meal
  • poultry meal

You need to check the name of meat.
Chicken meal or duck meal is safe because you can know that the meal is of chicken or duck.

8. food coloring

  • yellow 5
  • blue 2
  • red 40
  • etc

9. taste and flavor enhancers

  • ~flavors
  • ~digest

Those are synthetic flavoring matters.

10. canola oil

  • canola oil

Most of canola oil may be GMO.

I recommend to read carefully the Nutrition Facts of a dog food which you will buy.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Dog Correction :: How to correct a dog

March 14, 2018 0

How to correct a dog

You may blame your dog if he makes trouble.
But he may do same mistake even if you blamed him.
Because your dog doesn't realize his doing wrong.
So, we need to learn proper ways to correct our dogs.

1. Clear up compliment and scold

When you blame your dog, your tone of voice has to be certain and low.
And when you praise your dog, your tone of voice has to be high and you need to make a great fuss about your dog's doing.

2. Train your dog in a very short time

When you train your dog, you have to do it in 30 minutes.
10~15 minutes are more proper to train him.
You need to train him at the place where he can concentrate.

3. Don't hit your dog

Your dog already knows he is being blamed without hitting.
Hitting your dog can make his character worse and make him confused whether he did wrong.

4. Don't force your dog to do something.

When you want your dog to do something, if you force him to do and praise about it, he never understand why he is praised.
Wait until your dog do something himself and praise him when he does it.

5. Scold immediately

It is meaningless that blame your dog after 2~3 hours your dog made trouble.
Blame your dog at the moment he makes trouble.

6. Scold consistently.

If one of your family blame your dog with shouting and another blame him with striking the floor, your dog get confused whether he is blamed.
You and your family member have to blame your dog with same way.

Tip :: Dog Expression

March 14, 2018 0

8 common expressions of dogs

Every dog owner may curious what your dog's expressions mean.
So I'm posting about some expressions of dogs.

1. lying down showing its belly

That means your dog feels comfortable and good.
If your dog lies down with showing its belly, it let you know that it can't resist you.
In other words, it has no intention of attacking you and want to play with you.

2. looking at your eyes

That is expression of alert or favor.
To unfamiliar ones, that means alert.
But To familiar ones, that means favor.

3. yawning in urgent situation

Dogs yawn when they feel anxiety or stress.
They yawn for the purpose of both calming themselves when they get stressed and calming the other who is got upset.
You may see that your dog yawn when you blame it.
Your dog may have said you to calm down at that time.

4. licking your face

That originated from puppies' licking their mommy dog to ask milk.
If your dog licks your face(around your mouth), it may be hungry.

5. erecting its tail

Dogs erect their tail when they have confidence.
If your dog erects its tail when it meets unfamiliar one, that means your dog has no fear.

6. nodding the head slantwise

That means your dog is concentrating to understand your words or order.

7. shaking itself

Dogs shake itself to release its stress.

8. licking its nose

That is same with shaking itself.

If we try to understand our dog's expression, we can be better owner.

Tip :: How to Release Your Dog's Stress

March 14, 2018 0

The Solution of dogs' stress

If you didn't read my posting about the signs of dogs' stress, please read that before you read this posting.

Tip :: The Signs That Your Dog Gets Stressed

There some simple ways to release your dog's stress.

1. walking and exercise

Walking and exercise with your dog can be a solution of stress.
It is good to walk to a place where your dog usually likes to visit Or to explore a new place.
Light exercise with your dog is good either.
It is helpful to play tugging as you walking with your dog.
If you consider your dog's health, it is good to combine walking and sitting.
For example, walking with your dog, you sit down around it.
It's good to let your dog get around with a long dog read.
Letting your dog use its nose a lot is very nice.

2. Letting your dog use its brain

How about make your dog do something to be able to use its brain?
Teaching a new trick or Using a toy which makes your dog use its brain is fine.
I recommend you toys of Nina Ottoson brand.

Or you can make dog game puzzle.
You can see the ways of making that by google search.

Teaching a new trick is good because you and your dog can share each other's feeling.

3. nosework

The nosework is very important.
After you Giving your dog snacks hidden in any torn papers(like newspaper), your dog eats those by using their nose to find out those(the snacks).
That is one way of the nosework.
The dog which use its nose a lot gets stress lower than the others and has high confidence.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tip :: The Signs That Your Dog Gets Stressed

March 13, 2018 0

How to notice that my dog got stressed

Dogs can be stressed like humans because they can feel and share emotions
It is very natural but many people miss this fact.
They don't ignore it on purpose but just don't know the signs that their dog is stressed.

There are some signs that your dog is stressed.

1. Licking around muzzle or forleg

Look at your dog's face(especially around muzzle) and foreleg carefully.
Are those dyed red?
If you live with white dog, you can notice that easier.

Dogs licks their foreleg or around muzzle when they feel anxiety or get stressed.
Stressed dog's spit is dyed red because it oxidizes.
So you can know that your dog is stressed from looking its color of fur.

2. Dark circle

Look at the bottom of your dog's eyes.
If that part has a dark complexion, it can be sign of your dog's stress.

3. Urine mistake

Sometimes your dog may urine anywhere not on the pad even it is trained to urine on the pad.

Dogs express their stress by urine when they face an unfamiliar situation.

If your dog made mistake, never blame it.

Please just comfort your dog if you notice that your dog get stressed.

Know-how :: Training the dog separation anxiety

March 13, 2018 0

How to make my dog overcome the dog separation anxiety

Does your dog bark when you come back home?
Or even make trouble? (like pee anywhere, bite anything...etc)

It may be sign of the dog separation anxiety.

If your dog has this trouble, how about trying the tips of this posting?

1. Let your dog know that you are sure to come back.

First, go out and wait for 1~2 minutes.
Then come back home and wait for your dog to calm down.
And then go out again and wait 1~2 minute.

Repeat that a few times a day for a week.

If your dog is quiet when you are waiting outside, increase the waiting time up to 5 minutes.

Before going out, it is good to give your dog a snack which it likes the most.

Don't say hello or goodbye excessively when you come back or going out.

Please wait still until your dog's calming down.
After your dog's calming down, call your dog's name smoothly and stroke it.

It is very important to let your dog know that you are sure to come back.

2. Walk with your dog at least once a day.

Walking with your dog is very important to your dog.
That is very good way of stress solution.

The stress of your from waiting you at home alone will be removed by walking with you.